
Child Care

Child Care in Gravesend, Brooklyn

Child Care Gravesend is an imaginative, welcoming and talented team of experts who love and appreciate children. Child Care Gravesend is a nursery in which we carefully build children’s skills and also help parents to fill, rebuild, learn and grow the child’s emotional and intellectual components, which lay the foundation for future life potentials.  

The Game is the main activity of kids! That’s what the definition of Child Care Gravesend is based on. All classes take place in a fun way, taking into account the age-related mental and emotional behavior of children. 🐻

⭐⭐⭐ A change in operation is expected in the framework of each lesson; all activities are arranged from basic to complicated, with continuous and regular repetition and accumulation of the material, as well as dynamic and relaxation breaks, sports, musical rhythmic exercises and finger gymnastics. ⭐⭐⭐

At Child Care Gravesend do not lose interest in their studies; on the contrary, they understand that studying is wonderful, enjoyable, exciting and fascinating! 🏆
Call us (718) 568-7477!

In addition to the core structure, Child Care Gravesend encourages imagination and social learning programs, such as speech therapy, the arts and creative thought. 🧸

Children in nursery practice sculpting, drawing, learning fine motor skills, working with different materials, listening to fairy tales, music, gaining a sense of rhythm, dancing, playing fun sports, improving balance and enhancing communication skills.