Our purpose is to offer a safe
and nurturing environment
to your kids while helping
them to learn and find
an inspiration for
their future
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Our Mission

#1 Gravesend Daycare Center

Choosing a child’s daycare is one of the most essential and tough choices you have to make as a parent.

Daycare will set a child’s perception and approach to an awareness of lifelong decisions.

Our Daycare Gravesend center is devoted to encouraging children’s personal development, promoting a positive attitude.

This technique lets us help children to be successful in areas that are integral for their development, such as intellectual, physical.

Our program is meant to nurture a whole child by using innovative, yet most approved techniques.











Services We Provide

52 Quentin Road, Brooklyn, NY 11223

Gravesend Daycare

(718) 568-7477

Daily Parent Communication

We are focusing towards the improvement of all factors of a child’s well-being in order to construct a strong-minded personality and develop the personality well-operating in all aspects of life. This method is extremely useful in cultivating children’s personalities, clarifying their goals, and making sure of their upcoming success.

Daycare Gravesend Center is based on cooperation with parents. As specialists within the areas of child’s development research and psychology, we do understand that nothing is as vital as child-parents verbal communication, and even despite the fact that parents are extremely busy with their work, we offer a way of constant child’s achievements tracking.

Qualified Educational Professionals

Besides presenting fundamental functionality, which offers parents to sin kids in and out and get daycare updates,  We provide parents with daily photo updates of their children’s improvements and achievements, and most importantly allows them to communicate with the teacher and the director.

In order to keep you informed, we additionally send friendly reminders and newsletters, so you can keep up with all moments of daycare life, schedules, and your baby’s newly discovered talents.

And nothing makes a higher impact than face-to-face communication, which is why we are constantly welcoming and encouraging parents to chat with the teachers or the director at drop offs and pickups, or schedule an appointment at time handy for you!